How to arrange decorative cushions on your sofa

Smart ways to arrange creatively the decorative pillows on your sofa
They give colour, they give comfort, they give style! The decorative cushions are put on your sofa and along they bring a thousand ideas to transform your space instantly. Even one single cushion could make the difference.
How to refresh your space

Smart ways to refresh your home with artwork printed on decorative cushions
Art can have an impact on life. A piece of art in your home introduces beauty along with its own distinct design, bringing in as well the secrets hidden within it. Every piece of artwork also reflects the artist that created it, together with the thoughts she/he had throughout the creation process.
5 Trends in home decoration for 2022…

Decorating your home is an important issue. We all want to have a beautiful, well-kept and tastefully decorated house. Especially the last two years and through the situations we all went through there is an even greater need to feel better in our space. Home decor is of course a personal affair, but we always take a look at other homes or decor magazines to get ideas.
So we looked and picked you 5 trends that impressed us and that you can combine them with our own unique TRAPEZE cushions.
Choose the right ones cushions for your space

You may not have thought about it but the cushions you will choose for your sofa are the A το Z in terms of its decoration. Even if the sofa has a special design, bright color or you think that you do not need extra cushions because most come in a package with their own matches, decorative cushions are always necessary and are the ones that make the difference.
So be sure to invest in them, by choosing them carefully, and taking care not to fall into the trap of the “set”, as it is something that has now been overcome. The trend today wants variety in colors, shapes and textures – where all together have been combined to tell their own unique story. This is what we do at Trapeze and that’s why we treat them like small art objects.